This is a special section about my cat Minù, the Silver Panther.

She's a beautiful silver cat, very independent and with a strong character, she definitely knows what she wants. Her wonderful and fluffy fur changes color shades according to the light, going from a silver grey to a silver blue, so do her eyes that change from yellow to green. Minù enjoys staying home during cold days and exploring the neighborhood during spring and summer time. There's something she does hate, modeling for my pictures! When she sees the camera she begins to grumble or she changes room, so it's really hard to take pictures of her.

Before. When she didn't realize I was taking pictures and she looks like a "sweet teddy bear"

After. When she did realize I was taking pictures and she looks like a "silver devil"

Before: "What are you doing with that camera in your hands?"

After: "Ok, stop! I'm not going to moove from here, but you can't take pictures of me anymore!! Are you still there?"

Cuddles Time! My Silver Panther doesn't like very much cuddles...

...except if they come from my brother,her favorite human being in the house.

Her heart melts while he strokes her head.

Minù has a buddy and partner in crime, Josuè, the neighbor's cat. He comes every day in my garden and he enjoys hiding in secret places under the plants and trying to play with Minù.

There's a love/hate relationship between them. Here Minù checking if Josuè is around... 

Josuè ready to jump into the garden

She always has to clarify who the Garden Boss is!! It's very funny watching them having these"simulated battles". They never hurt eachother.

They love to rest and find some freshness during hot summer days in the same places

Here their favorite spot in the garden. How sweet sleeping on bark under the roses is!!

Again on the same place...

...on the window sill watching inside the house.

How the Boss asks to come in: "Hey you! Open the door! Don't you see I need to come into my home!!"

How the Guest asks for some food trying his best begging glance: "Please, can you open the door and give me some crunches 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"

"Please!! I won't come in!! Meow"

"I know the Boss doesn't want me to come in, please!! Meow"

Lazy Sunday Morning: "Yawn!"

"Maybe it's too early to get up, better to rest a little longer!"

Sometimes she looks like the cutest cat in the world

And she sleeps like a little angel

Holyday Season

One of her favorite activities when home is to look at the neighbor's garden through the window

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